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Create an NPM package from an existing widget


The steps below have not been tested and the node-red-fd-start repo doesn't exist yet...


This section is for users that want to create an NPM package with a custom widget.

This section walks through the steps to modify an existing widget. If you are familiar with Vue this may be all you need to start writing your own widgets (but check out the section on FlexDash extensions to Vue components). If you are not familiar with Vue, follow along even if you don't understand the details so you can immediately try out what is described in subsequent sections.

The example used here is to create a my-gauge widget from the gauge widget without any material change other than the name.

1. Clone node-red-fd-start

The node-red-fd-start repo contains the minimal scaffolding for a set of widgets.

git clone @flexdash/node-red-fd-start node-red-fd-mywidget


You must use the node-red-fd- prefix or your widget won't be loaded into FlexDash.

If you don't want a git repo you can also download a zip (click on the green "code" button and choose "download ZIP").

2. Copy the gauge widget

Copy the .vue file of the gauge widget. The widgets built into FlexDash can be found at, select gauge.vue. Click on the "raw" button in the bar at the top of the source code, copy all, paste into your favorite editor into ./widgets/my-gauge.vue (below the node-red-fd-start directory).

3. Change the names

In my-gauge.vue around line 43 change the name of the widget from name: 'Gauge' to name: 'MyGauge'. (Use the CapitalCase spelling: this results in an HTML element <my-gauge>.)

In package.json change my-widget to my-gauge.

4. Generate the Node-RED node

For this step you need the generator script gen-widget-nodes.js in the node-red-flexdash repo. Run it with your current working directory being node-red-fd-mywidget. If you have a "regular" install of Node-RED you should be able to run it with something like:

node /.../.node-red/node_modules/bin/gen-widget-nodes.js
If you are using docker, the easiest is to git clone the node-red-flexdash repo and use it from there, e.g.:
cd ..
git clone
cd mywidget
node ../node-red-flexdash/gen-widget-nodes.js

You should now have my-gauge.js and my-gauge.html, which form the Node-RED code for your widget.

5. Install your widget in Node-RED

cd /.../.node-red
npm i /.../node-red-fd-mywidget

6. Restart Node-RED

Restart Node-RED, reload any open browser windows with the Node-RED flow editor, then locate the my-gauge node in the palette within the long list of FlexDash nodes.